There's a question that I've been asked too many times lately... For Some, it's a matter of choked feelings that they can't express, for others it's just what it means to be Exhausted of Wasting yourself on Someone who do not deserve you. "How come we Can't Find the Right one?"
It's Frustrating I know !!..
. when every time you look at your friends you see most of them either happily in love or even engaged and your still out... and you then begin to compare, am i not that attractive? Do I have some deficiency of some kind, what's wrong with me ? Has it really Ended, all the spontaneous Romance, the romantic gestures? the old school of love hints? has it really all gone ? Should i change myself to Foxy, or act Like something am not, try to be like others to attract the opposite sex? if that's not the answer then why do i feel Rejected a time after another?!! why do i feel less??
A Friend of Mine Once told me a theory that i would like to share , it's something very creative... a different answer from all the comfort words you've heard a thousands time before.
Theory : You've Lived most of your Life watching Old School Romance... Feeding on their passion... Living their stories in your dreams... you think that Every Love Story have all that suspense in it... you think that every love story have the happy ending... You wonder every second of your life, when will i have that?you maybe had the friendship kind of Love, and what members of one Family have for each other,yes you had this kind of love but you've always wanted that kind of love !! So Imagine that Everything in Life is a bubble of Color..., Health's Green, Fun's Orange, Cooking's pink, Music's rainbow, Going out's purple and Love is RED... You become this Black Creature Living in a world of Black (nothingness) and the only thing you learnrd to distinguish from the black is Red (Love) and you're feeding on this Red Bubble !! You can't See anything pass it... So all other Colors become BLACK... !! You can't even define them Cause your whole life u've imagined how it would be like if you fell in love and you've condemned yourself to never find happiness without it !! So you're not even giving yourself a chance to know any other colors !! What if you eve try and found it that you've spent most of your days waiting for something , wanting it so badly where you could've been having the fun of your life discovering another color you never knew you would have !!
Are you Confused yet ?? I was too when i first heard this :D but there's a thin line between Genius and Madness ;)
Quote:Gandhi once Said: whatever you do in this Life is insignificant, but it's very important that you do it.
Well, here's the Gig... You Keep yourself obsessed with one thing that you get held down in your place and keep your self from achieving any progress... You Have to Allow yourself to accept other Colors in you. Even if you can't see it yet, even if you think your plain, unattractive, untalented, and dnt have what it takes !!... know that you are WRONG, you're Capable of doing things you can't even imagine !! you jst haven't found them yet !! and dnt be a fool to think that you know everything about life already !! you're just a tiny dot in this world, Whatever you do will be small in a way of affecting the world, but it's important that you do it, Cuz it'll affect those who surrounds you :) and there's Much Much more to learn =) and if you keep searching, expanding your horizon and Experiencing Everything :) you'll Find your true color...
You Just have to Focus on yourself, Gain some new experiences in Life, learn Etiquette if you want to, play softball if you want, change the way you, or even start reading books !! but not because you want the world to see you better !! NO, it's because you Deserve to be better Always.
QUOTE:Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates
by Marianne Williamson
from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
But the thing is even if you find it, you have to remain balance with all other colors... you CANNOT get STUCK into only ONE thing and be happy abo
ut it. Cuz when you give it all that space and suddenly it has to go... you'll have a HOLE in it's place...
Every One was born unique in his own way :) we just make the mistake of connecting Happiness with ONE THING and that's both wrong and NOT HEALTHY !!... for those who forget about love and walk behind their success ignoring their emotions and feelings, a time will come and you'll find that you've Lost all your chances and you'll break down eventually... no matter how tough you make of yourself... and for those who Can't see but the Red bubble, you'll mess every Chance there's in life, you will mess your OWN LIFE by making your chances passes through you
waiting for something that it's times has not yet come...
I once read that
" We go through life thinking someone
else will make us happy... We're wrong.
Happiness is our job, but we do need
someone else to share it with."
Happiness Does not necessarily has to be connected to finding love, you have first to live your life, Give it a meaning, Color it... find out what you've been born to do, touch someone deeply, make a difference, matter to a friend, write, draw, take picture, dance, have a car
eer, go OUT, be jumpy, grieve when ur sad, get your emotions out, have a makeover, feel gr8 about urself, accept your body even if it's not perfect... remember that we like ppl for their qualities but we love them for their defects :) and only then when you have accepted the Life you've been given... when you Balance between all the colors and Discover your full capacity in life...The Red you've been longing for will come to you :) jst when your not looking
I really hope that after everyone finish reading this, you make a list of colors =) see what color suits what in your life, for me health and keeping fit's green... my friends and family are yellow cuz they're my sunshine. Music iscolorful :) , Going out's purple Cuz i relate it to the night, Cooking's pink, makeup and fashion's teal,Career's Grey, writing's transparent, Love's Red...
and then make this promise ... that you're gonna start seeking other colors than RED ( or whatever color) from now on although it's the only color you've taught yourself to distinguish from the black you've lived in for so long
Focus on yourself and Let Love Comes to You when the Right time Comes :)
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