الأحد، 13 نوفمبر 2011
U Still Dnt Get IT, Do U? I'm a Fighter ! & i always fight 4 What I Believe N... Z thing is, my Beliefs R never attached 2 what others might think of as USUAL, mostly ppl disagree wid my concepts,but i dnt CARE,& right now i'm fighting 4U,that means that every other soul in this universe think U did me wrong & i shouldn't B fighting 4U but i'm doin' it anyways, so...? care to fight up against all odds with me ?
=) take my hand and lets Fix up this mess ;)
=) take my hand and lets Fix up this mess ;)
you don't wanna reach out for me. you want the easy way !! well, let me enlighten you... you can't short cut your way through this !
either you take the hard way or you don't get to me...ever !!
I'm perfectly CAPABLE of SUBMITTING my feelings when it comes to my PRIDE. So, You go ahead take me for GRANTED as long as you PLEASE but you'll NEVER have your way with me if i'm not satisfied.
whatever residual feelings i still bear for you doesn't necessarily means that you're forgiven for what you've done...
First, you'll work your ASS OFF making it up to me then we'll look into your forgiveness.
You have to prove me you're Truthful... then and only then I'll see if i can tolerate your existence in my life and if i'm welling to give you back a slack of my heart ♥ ♥ ... a way smaller one !!
Cuz you've already proven in every possible way that there is, that you have not yet matured... and you can't handle such a fragile thing with your careless childish behavior...
if i'm worth the trouble in your eyes then you'll have to remember every time i give you a hard time that my ♥ is not your toy, and that i'm too capable of turning my back and walking away...
either you take the hard way or you don't get to me...ever !!
I'm perfectly CAPABLE of SUBMITTING my feelings when it comes to my PRIDE. So, You go ahead take me for GRANTED as long as you PLEASE but you'll NEVER have your way with me if i'm not satisfied.
whatever residual feelings i still bear for you doesn't necessarily means that you're forgiven for what you've done...
First, you'll work your ASS OFF making it up to me then we'll look into your forgiveness.
You have to prove me you're Truthful... then and only then I'll see if i can tolerate your existence in my life and if i'm welling to give you back a slack of my heart ♥ ♥ ... a way smaller one !!
Cuz you've already proven in every possible way that there is, that you have not yet matured... and you can't handle such a fragile thing with your careless childish behavior...
if i'm worth the trouble in your eyes then you'll have to remember every time i give you a hard time that my ♥ is not your toy, and that i'm too capable of turning my back and walking away...

It'll Never work, u know. You will never have the capacity to give or tolerate my actions when i'm not even nearly at my worst like I've done for you.You don't have what it takes to fight for me, You don't have Passion for me the way I have for you... I'm Sorry but You're just not that strong !!...
You will always break down when i try to test you and let me go, and my heart will soften and i'll reach my hand to you, and you will never take it !!...eventually you'll Crush me more... Cause i can never see you sad, and my unhappiness doesn't disturb you for the least bit...at least you never show the opposite !!
You wont have my Power to withstand everything for your Love, I guess that you don't want me bad enough, that's why it wont work... I want you way more than you will ever want me...
I will really Miss you though ♥ ♥ ♥
I dnt knw if you knew this, but you're the first person i truly L.♥.V.E.D .
You will always break down when i try to test you and let me go, and my heart will soften and i'll reach my hand to you, and you will never take it !!...eventually you'll Crush me more... Cause i can never see you sad, and my unhappiness doesn't disturb you for the least bit...at least you never show the opposite !!
You wont have my Power to withstand everything for your Love, I guess that you don't want me bad enough, that's why it wont work... I want you way more than you will ever want me...
I will really Miss you though ♥ ♥ ♥
I dnt knw if you knew this, but you're the first person i truly L.♥.V.E.D .
You've to Fear a ♥ that Loves so much, Cause when it gets Hurts It always endures but at some point when it cannot tolerate any more It knows well how to hurt you back as much as It Holds Love for you !!
عليك ان تخشى دوما من القلب الذي يحب بقوة، مع انه يستحمل كل الجروح ممن يحب بقوة، و لكن عندما يشعر بإنعدام الاحساس تماما ممن يحب... يتألم بقوة... و يَجْرَحْ في المقابل بقسوة تضاهي قوة حبه
عليك ان تخشى دوما من القلب الذي يحب بقوة، مع انه يستحمل كل الجروح ممن يحب بقوة، و لكن عندما يشعر بإنعدام الاحساس تماما ممن يحب... يتألم بقوة... و يَجْرَحْ في المقابل بقسوة تضاهي قوة حبه
الخميس، 10 نوفمبر 2011
أنَا لَمْ أَكُنْ أَهْذِي...
أنَا لَمْ أَكُنْ أَهْذِي...
لَمْ أوقِعَ نَفْسِي فِي حَبَائِلِكـَـ وَحْدِي كَطِفْلَةٍ مُرَاهِقَةٍ مُتَعَطِشَةٍ للْحُــبّ...
أنَــا لَمْ أَكُنْ أتَوَهَم أنّك تَسْتَلْطِفُنِي أَوْ تُطَارِدُنِي بِنَظَرَاتِكـْـ أَوْ تُغَازِلـُنِـي بِكَلِمَاتِكـَـ...
أنْتَ اسْتَدْرَجْتَنـِــي بِجَــاذِبِيتَــكـَـ المَعْهــُـودَة... ثُمّ حِينَمَـا بـَادَلْتُكَــ نَظَراتُكـَـ و كـَلـِمـَاتُكـَـ و هـَمَـسـَـاتُــكَــَ...
اسْتَنْكَرْتَ حُبِّــي !!
أنَـــا لَمْ أكُنْ أَهْذِي...
لَيْسَ لأنّك تُلَمّحُ فَقَطْ و لَمْ تَقُل شَيئاً صَرِيحـــاَ فهَذَا يَجْعَلُهَا وَهْماً...
أنَا كٌنْتُ صـَادِقَةً فِي كُلِّ مَــا أَقُول أو أَفْعَلْ بَيْنَمَا كُلُّ مَــا صَدَر عَنْكَــ كَــانَ مُجَرّد أَشْبَاهُ ظِلَالٍ مِنَ الزِيفْ !!
من وحي اللحظة
لِمَـاذَا تَظَلّ تُهَـدِدُنِي بِأنّي سَأخْسَرُكْ ؟!..
و انّي يَجِب أنْ أرَاجِعَ نَفْسِي !!
أنا لَنْ أخْسَرك!!... أنا لَمْ أمْلِكْ منك فٍي البِدْءْ أيّ شَيءٍ لأخْسَرَه !!!
أنْتَ مَنْ سَيَخْسَرُنِــي...
لأنّك امْتَلَكْتَنِــي كُلّي قـَلـبــاً و قـَالـِـبـــــاً و لَمْ تَنـَتَبِـِـه أو تُقَدّرْ...
لِذَا فأنَــا منْ يَـنْــصَحـُكَ بِأنْ تُرَاجِــعَ نَفْســَــكـَـ بـَعـِيــداً عنّي...
المُشْكِلَةُ بِدَاخِـلكــْ و لـَيـْسـَتْ بِداخِــلـِـــي...
رُؤْيـَتـَكـَـ أنتَ التي تـَشـَوشــَت...
رُؤْيَتِي كَانَت وَاضِحَةً مُنذُ البِدْءْ...
فَأنَــا أعْلَمُ تَماماً مَاذَا أُرِيدُ و كُلّ تَصرُفَاتِي كـَانَت نَابِعَةً عَن إحْسـَاسٍ صَادِقْ و لَيْسَتْ زِيفاً... بِعَكْسِكـْـ...
أنـَا لنْ أُرَخِصَ من نَفْسِي لِمَن لا يَسـتَحِقّ...
و ضَعْ في اعْتِـبـَارَك أنّي أنا من سَتـَرحَلُ منْ حَـيـَاتِكـَـ و لـَيـْسَ العَكْسُ !!... فَأنْت لـَمْ تُعْطِنِي من وُجُودك فِي حَيـَاتِي من الأسـَـاسْ !!
من وحي اللحظة
ارْفُضْنِي بِكُلِ قُوَتِكـْـ...
عَسَى أنْ أفْقِد قُدْرَتِي عَلَى تَحَمُّلِ أخْطَائِكـْـ...
و يُدْمِي كِبْرِيَائِي بِمَا يَكْفِي حَتّى يَحْمِلَ قَلْبِي عَلَى أنْ يَرْضَخْ... !!
لَعَلِّـي أقْوَي عَلَى تَرْكِكـَـ تَرْحـَـلْ...
و أدَاوِي جِرَاحـِـي بَعِـيــداً
حَيْثُ لَا يَطَالُنـِـي نـَـاظِرُكـْـ
حَيْثُ لَا تُشْفِقُ لِحَالـِـي...
حَيْثُ لا أذْكُرُ اسْمَكـْـ...
من وحي اللحظة
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